The Fund operates two (as per the relevant Alternative Credit Strategy) types of Investment Strategies.
​Funding the purchase of commodities, costs of production, aggregation, processing, storage, transport, marketing and distribution (in other words financing the COGS/OPEX) by the Investee, and
Which commitment by the Funds do not extend beyond a 12-months period, unless conditional and
Is over-collateralized primarily by the underlying assets financed (the Commodity and the Sales Proceeds), and additionally supplemented by security package overlays (insurance, hedges, 3rd party guaranties/recourses, fixed assets, shares, risk mitigation and transfers, etc.).
The CSTF Investment Strategy is used by the following Sub-Funds:
Sidra-Ancile Global Structured Trade Investment Sub-Fund
Commodity Value Chain Sustainable Investment Sub-Fund
Sustainable Food Structured Finance Sub-Fund
Ancile Major Trade Investment Sub-Fund
Funding the cost of acquisition and/or construction of Capital Expenditure of tangible fix assets, plant & equipment and productive natural assets, and
Which commitment by the Funds do not extend beyond a 36-months period, unless conditional and
Is over-collateralized primarily by the underlying assets financed (the Fix Assets and their productive revenue stream), and additionally supplemented by security package overlays (insurance, hedges, 3rd party guaranties/recourses, fixed assets, shares, risk mitigation and transfers, etc.).
The DECO Investment Strategy is used by the Sidra-Ancile DECO Investment Sub-Fund.