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The investment objectives of the Sub-Fund are (A) to achieve consistent superior returns for investors in each of the Share Classes by investing through the grant of secured and structured non-speculative short term capital investment to producers, consumers and other participants (the “Investees”) which are active in the commodity and trade value chain in defined priority zones in emerging markets and (B) while doing so, generate, through its investments, direct and long lasting development impacts on the Investees’ capacity to generate sustainable wealth, and incentivizing ESG/SRI positive externalities (direct and/or induced) with a special emphasis on local food security and agriculture.



For the time being, the Sub-Fund will seek to invest directly rather than indirectly through a subsidiary and/or local asset owning subsidiary. However, when deemed necessary by the Board of the Company, the Sub-Fund may create subsidiaries. In relation to this Sub-Fund, it is not necessarily the intention that these subsidiaries will ultimately be held by a Luxembourg holding company as indicated in the descriptions in the Tax section of the main Prospectus. It is not the intention for the Sub-Fund to create a subsidiary and/or local asset owning subsidiary for each transaction invested or jurisdiction used. The subsidiaries and/or local asset owning subsidiary, where used, will have the following purpose:


a) As a Security Vehicle: a subsidiary entity that will obtain the rights to the collateral being pledged to, or to be owned by, the Sub-Fund in the funding granted; or

b) As an Investment Vehicle: subsidiary entity through which the Sub-Fund indirectly provides short-term structured capital as a form of investment. This approach will be used in circumstances where it is not deemed beneficial for the Sub-Fund to contract directly with the underlying Investee due to unfavourable tax and/or fiscal considerations.


The subsidiary’s chosen jurisdiction of incorporation will be guided by the requirements imposed to obtain fiscal and/or legal efficiencies provided by the relevant jurisdiction pertinent to a specific investment.


Sustainable investment objectives of the fund

Disclosure related to Article 10 of SFDR EU 2019/2088 forSustainable Food Structured Finance Sub-Fund

Ancile (Luxembourg) Fund S.A., SICAV-FIS

2, Place de Paris

L-2314 Luxembourg

RCS Luxembourg: B0158647

Ancile (Luxembourg) Fund S.A., SICAV-FIS’s (“Ancile”) website (the “Website”) is subject to the laws of Luxembourg. Ancile has taken every reasonable care to keep the information on its Website accurate, complete and up-to-date, at the time of online publication.

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